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Banadad Volunteer Work Weekend

Volunteer Trail Maintenance weekend

This past weekend volunteers removed down trees and brush from the Banadad Ski Trail within the BWCA.. On Friday four North Star Ski Touring Club members and Barb Gecas from Hestons Lodge spent a rough day re-opening the one and one half mile Winchell Lake Fire Trail.

Photos- first group Banadad Trail Association volunteer cleared center and east end of Banadad. Second photo North Star Ski Touring Club cleared west end of the Banadad..

This is the group that met at the middle of the trail. One group coming in from the North and the other from the East (moving West).

North Star Ski Touring Group helping clear the Banadad Trail 10-26 & 27/2018

This trail serves as an access to the east end of the Banadad At the same time two Banadad Trail Association members opened another half mile swampy section of the Lace Lake Trail outside the BWCA. Because this section is so wet it can not be mowed. Then of Saturday day five volunteers working from the east end and another eight people accessed .the trail via the Winchell Lake Fire trail. Both cleared to the West. The the *North Stars crew begin clearing from the west end of the Banadad. All told some eleven miles of the Banadad all within the BWCA were cleared by 21 volunteer who worked 268 hour during this volunteer weekend.

When this past weekends effort is combined with what has previously been cleared a total of 13 of the Banadad 21 miles are now cleared.

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