Help the Banadad Trail Association Build a Much Needed Storage Building for the Banadad Ski Trail’s Grooming Equipment
For years all the Banadad Trail Association’s snowmobile groomers and "tracksetters" have been stored under tarps outside and exposed to the weather. Maintenance of this equipment has also been done outside. Initially our equipment was pretty inexpensive and fairly easy to repair. However, over the years this equipment has become much more expensive and repairing it outside, particularly in the winter, has become very difficult.

The Banadad Trail Association has decided to take on this problem by constructing an equipment storage/maintenance building. $12,000 must be raised to accomplish this goal. The building we are proposing to build would enable us to keep our grooming equipment in much better shape- good equipment means good, if not a better, maintained Banadad Ski Trail.
Please contribute toward building this equipment storage building.

To date $7510 of the needed $12,000 has been raise toward the construction of the Banadad equipment building.
Please help raise the remaining $4490. We are on our way! Help us reach this goal. a better, maintained Banadad Ski Trail.